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Good Boy Ozzy

Meet Ozzy, and his two owners Alyssa and Brock. They make quite the cute family.

This session is one that had to be rescheduled due to being rained out the first time we had tried to meet. Alyssa wanted photos that she could use to decorate her home with and celebrate her love. I am so glad we were able to quickly reschedule, and what a beautiful day it turned out to be--the sun made an appearance this day just four our session.

We met at the Vetera Dam in Nicktown--a location I've been frequenting. It makes a beautiful backdrop with the water, trees, fields of grass, and a rustic barn area. While there were plenty of fisherman around this Tuesday night, we were still able to use the area's great locations and work around them, capturing the beautiful sunset light we had intended. I am really favoring the sunset/golden hour!

I was a little nervous going into the shoot (as I often am with anybody, because I want fantastic photos for every client and I'm still learning and growing)....but especially this time because they were bringing their pup Ozzy to include in some photos and I had never worked with a dog as part of a shoot. I was hoping to get some good ones. Treats were encouraged to bring as bribes, just like toys or snacks when you have little ones.

Ozzy was such a good and friendly dog!! He is still quite young, but listened so well! He made it a breeze. It was such a good first experience with a dog, and I can see why Brock and Alyssa love him so much, he even melted my heart. What a cutie! He warmed up to me when they brought him out of the truck, it didn't take too long. He smelled around the area so excitedly and was bursting with energy. You can tell he loves his owners very much--and listened quite well. If anyone knows our dog, you know why I kept thinking the whole time, "Man, I wish ours listened like that". While he had the young energy of a pup, he was able to sit still and pose great for a few shots. I am so glad I was able to capture him in some great poses before he would be off smelling the next tree around--he made the shoot fun and was a great experience!

We used Ozzy for a few shots and then it was solo time for Brock and Alyssa. We utilized almost every inch of that area, and they did fabulous! Game for anything, any move, any pose (even having Brock "dip" Alyssa, something I made them try).

These two were great to work with--such love and chemistry! I would give guidance for poses and they just fell into it like naturals, like they have been doing this forever. They way Brock looked at Alyssa and held her close for photos was nice to see, it was very noticeable love--I did not have to give much direction there. Very sweet and they were fabulous to work with!

It was a great session all around, and lovely meeting all three of them. I am so honored that they chose me for their photographs and wish them all the best. Thank you Alyssa and Brock.

Check out some highlights from the wonderful session below!

-Feathering Bristles Photography by Robin Sodmont

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